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Fake Video Alert | Did Germany, China Ships Clash In West Philippine Sea? Debunking The Claim



Fake Video Alert | Did Germany, China Ships Clash In West Philippine Sea? Debunking The Claim

Did Germany and China ships Clashed in West Philippine Sea? Fact-Checking

Photo : ANI

A fabricated video was shared online on YouTube claiming that Germany has deployed ships to the West Philippine Sea (WPS), which clashed with Chinese Navy vessels.

This YouTube video was published on May 14 by a channel named, Philippines Trending News, with the title “KAKAPASOK LANG Diosko po! Lahat naka-alarma na! Nagbanggaan na ang GERMANY at CHINA WPS Tinamaan na!” (Oh my God! All are alarmed! Germany and China clashed, West Philippine Sea was hit!). The thumbnail of the video implied an encounter between German and Chinese ships in the WPS, but during the 12-minute video, the narrator made no mention of the untrue incident. No evidence was shared or shown to support the fake news.

“GERMANY NAPASUGOD! NAGDEKLARA NA GERMANY AT CHINA IYAK! GYERA NASA (sic) DAGAT!” (Germany rushed in! Germany declared [war] and China cried! There is no war on the sea!), said one of the video captions.


There was no encounter between China and Germany in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). There was also no vessel from China or Germany in the thumbnail image. It is alleged that the images were in fact photoshopped images of different U.S. Navy warships.

According to a YouTube video by Firstpost, Germany never officially declared war on China, but last week, in the midst of tensions between China and Taiwan, Germany dispatched two warships to the Indo-Pacific region to make its military presence known and support a rules-based international order.

This video emerged after Germany voiced its support for the protection of the rights of Filipinos in the South China Sea.

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