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From US, Mexico To Germany, France: Pro-Palestine Protests Gather Support Globally- Republic World



From US, Mexico To Germany, France: Pro-Palestine Protests Gather Support Globally- Republic World

US universities are taking several measures ahead of upcoming graduation ceremonies to deal with possible protest-related disruptions. | Image:AP

New York: As the pro-Palestine protests continue to sweep across several universities in the United States, more support has waved in for Palestine. With the recent arrest of 200 individuals at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) the numbers of protesters arrested across the nation took the overall arrest count to over 2,000. 

The nationwide protests intensified after demonstrations at Columbia University on April 17 against Israel’s offensive in Gaza, following Hamas’ unprecedented attack on southern Israel on October 7. Currently, some of the most prestigious US universities including Yale, NYU, Indiana University, University of Georgia, University of Mary Washington, University of California, Virginia Tech, and University of Illinois are among the top spots for demonstrations. 
With an attack on an encampment by the students on the campus, California University even witnessed a clash between demonstrators and counter protesters, inviting police deployment at the campus. 

Furthermore, Palestine supporters had even captured Hamilton Hall, prompting the NYPD to forcefully drag them out. The New York police department recently confirmed that pro-Palestine encampments have been cleared at UCLA and Columbia. 

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden condemned the violence at the universities saying, “Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It is against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest.”  
Now, the support goes global with universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Switzerland, Ireland,Germany, Mexico,  and Canada also experiencing students and demonstrators protesting, seeking a ceasefire in Gaza.


The support for Palestine has swept French universities with students holding sit-ins at Sciences Po in Paris, the country’s top political science school. According to officials, 91 demonstrators were arrested. Paris Institute of Political Studies and Sorbonne University are also showing support for Palestine. Meanwhile, some French universities have “prevented debate” over

French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday condemned the university blockades at Sciences Po and other French universities that “prevented debate” over the Israel-Palestine conflict. An event involving Franco-Palestinian expert in international law, who has been vocal in condemning “genocide” in Gaza, was also cancelled at Paris-Dauphine University, anticipating a risk of public disorder.


In Italy, the support is peaceful as of now with the Sapienza University protesting for Palestine. 


The Canadian protests come along with US Protests, where students are setting up encampments at Canadian universities including the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia and the University of Ottawa. On Thursday, students at the University of Toronto set up an encampment where some 100 protesters gathered with dozens of tents.The demonstrations are being witnessed at several cities including Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver.
Hundreds of students are protesting by joining the first and largest camp, at Montreal’s McGill University, despite threats of police clearance. They are seeking to cut all financial and academic ties with Israel. 

United Kingdom:

In Europe, pro-Palestine protests are majorly witnessed at the University of Leeds, University College of London and Warwick University. 


Australia earlier condemned the attack on Gaza, with students at the University of Sydney and Melbourne protesting in support of Palestine.
Sydney University on Friday witnessed a face off between hundreds of supporters of Gaza and counter protesters, shouting slogans and waving flags. Except for a few heated exchanges, the protest and counter-protest passed off peacefully.  The pro-ceasefire demonstrators are protesting for 10 days now in front of the university, demanding cut off ties with Israeli institutions and reject funding from arms companies. 

Protests In Ireland: 

The protest has spread to Ireland as well with Students at Trinity College Dublin University holding a sit-in on Friday, terming the demonstration as a “solidarity encampment with Palestine”. 


Seeking to sever Mexico’s ties with Israel, pupils at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the country’s largest university, set up a camp in the capital on Thursday. “Free Palestine”, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will overcome” chants echoed through the campus.
Calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, scores of students at Lausanne University occupied the entrance to a building at the campus on Thursday
They also demanded for an academic boycott of Israel. The peaceful sit-in is due to continue until Monday.


Chaotic scenes unfolded near Humboldt University in central Berlin on Friday as law enforcement intervened to disperse protesters after they refused to decamp to another location. Berlin mayor Kai Wegner condemned the protest in a post on X, saying that the city didn’t want to see events like those in the US or France.

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